New Year, New Approach
This program is for you if...
✅You’re frustrated and tired of not being able to find a way to manage your weight and still enjoy foods you love.
✅You’re ready to quit restrictive dieting…forever!
✅You want to build and/or maintain a healthy relationship with food AND yourself!
✅You’re ready to not let the weight on the scale define you and focus on finding a healthier mindset, body composition, and lifestyle.
✅You want to build knowledge, skills, and abilities in order to reach and exceed your health & body composition goals now AND in the future.
✅You’re ready to put in the effort to make changes in your diet, mindset, and lifestyle that can positively impact you for the rest of your life!
This 12-Week Program Includes:
1- one-on-one kickoff call
6- live group calls (recorded for viewing convenience)
An individualized weight management strategy plan that feels THE least restrictive & is best for YOU!
Customized nutrition plan to meet your needs & goals!
Resources such as meal & snack templates, nutrition education handouts & guides covering topics from ❤️how to create your ideal food environment❤️ to 🍽️eating in restaurants🍽️, to 🛒grocery shopping lists/tips.🛒
Short, nutrition education lessons & practices/activities.
Community & connection through our online group community. Where we share tips, best practices, ask questions & support each other and our efforts!
Support through access to our online portal which includes... Weekly online check-ins, accountability, health behavior change strategies, discussion about our food & mood journals.
Lifestyle OR Performance Track, Flexible Nutrition & Behaviors
While restrictive eating and quick fixes currently dominate our country’s obsession with diet culture, the Nourishing Our Needs program is based on sound science, evidence-based principles, and simplified constructs in both behavioral science and behavioral change theory.
Our customized health education program focuses on empowering individuals to master the myriad phases of health behavior change through two different tracks.
Our Lifestyle track is designed to teach individuals how to fuel their body through satisfying nourishment, intentional movement, and mandatory self-care. Nourishing Our Needs motivates you to reclaim your confidence through consistent and mindful daily practices.
Our Performance track is tailored to help individuals meet and exceed their athletic and performance goals by educating them on how to properly fuel their bodies in order to effectively repair, recover, strengthen, compete, and more!
This program offers everything included in the Balanced Behaviors Membership (see details above) plus the additional services listed below.
This Membership includes:
New Client Intake Meeting - Questionnaire and Goal Development
One-hour Kickoff Call - Goal Review, Health History, and Expectation Discussion
Personalized Nutrition & Physical Activity Outline (based on health behavior change theories)
Daily Time Slots for Q & A
Recipes and Tips
Three 20-minute Health Education Follow-Up/Q & A Sessions
Nutrient Quick Guide
Portion Size Guide
Worksite wellness consultations will provide your employees with the information and tools they need to put themselves and their families on a healthful track that will be sustainable for a lifetime. No prescribed diets or detoxes. Just science-driven information that can be applied to assist in health behavior change.
This package includes three 20-minute consultations that will help identify your employee's wellness needs which will be supported through tools such as culturally appropriate grocery lists, meal planning, and prep tips, individual-specific nutrition education, and more!
We are available for general wellness and nutrition presentations and workshops for athletic teams, schools, worksites, and organizations. These talks will be customized to meet the topics, goals, and needs of the audience. The following list are examples of topics we have offered in the past:
General Nutrition and Wellness
Feeding a Healthy Family
Sports Nutrition
Health Behavior Change Techniques
Healthy Fat Loss Methods
Contact us to schedule a presentation. Price will vary on location and travel.